Tag: Ofe

Ofe Okazi

Ofe Okazi

Ofe Okazi/ Ukazi Okazi Soup You'd find about 2 types of Ofe Okazi recipes online. There's one with Egusi and there is one made with thickeners. For the egusi version, you'd add ukazi to egusi soup as you'd add any other vegetable at the tail end of cooking. For the version with thickeners you can … Continue reading Ofe Okazi

Ofe Ugba

Ofe Ugba

Ofe Ugba (Translation Ugba Soup) I've often spoken about my love for Ugba. Ugba is also known by the following names, "Ukpaka" (Igbo) "Apara” (Yoruba) “Ukana” (Efik) African Oil Bean SeedImage credit Google. Ugba is made from African oil bean seed (Pentaclethra macrophylla). The seeds are collected from pods, and boiled for several hours, to … Continue reading Ofe Ugba

Ofe Assorted! (An Exotic Soup)

Ofe Assorted! (An Exotic Soup)

Filing this under food therapies. I've called this soup Ofe Assorted because that is what it is, I've used the basic principle for cooking soups like Oha, Onugbu, Ofe owerri to make this soup, using 3 of my favourite vegetables together. I have also resisted the temptation of calling this soup Ofe Owerri as I … Continue reading Ofe Assorted! (An Exotic Soup)

Ofe Onugbu

Ofe Onugbu

In recent times I've done very little "cooking", most meals have consisted of quick fixes, take outs or otherwise cooked by someone else. I had a rough start this year. Thankfully it's been rough for the right reasons, Growth in my business Fontaine De Vie. Shortage of man power, break down of some machinery welcomed … Continue reading Ofe Onugbu

Ofe Nsala (White Soup)

Ofe Nsala (White Soup)

I've had this recipe sitting in my draft for a while now. Asides being plagued with a bad phone, I have been very preoccupied. I'm not from the south eastern part of Nigeria but more often that not, people ask me if I'm igbo, probably due to my fair skin. I love soups from the … Continue reading Ofe Nsala (White Soup)