Category: Yam Dishes

Fries (Dundu, Dodo, Odunkun) with Pepper Stewed Snails

Fries (Dundu, Dodo, Odunkun) with Pepper Stewed Snails

I gave this a little oomph by sprinkling Basil salt on the fries. To make Basil salt, I grabbed some Basil (clove basil which we call patminger or curry leaf in Nigeria) from my garden. I threw it into the dry mill blender with my some Himalayan pink salt and blended together. Now you can … Continue reading Fries (Dundu, Dodo, Odunkun) with Pepper Stewed Snails

Ojojo (Wateryam Fritters)

Ojojo (Wateryam Fritters)

Ijebu omo alare e we so! Shout out to Ijebu people all over the world. This is a tribute to Ijebu cuisine. When you think food native to the peoples of the vast Ijebu kingdom, you think, Ifokore, Ojojo , Ebiripo , Ijebu Garri etc. Ojojo is wateryam fritters and its native to the Ijebu … Continue reading Ojojo (Wateryam Fritters)

Ekpang Nkukwo

Ekpang Nkukwo

Lord knows how much i enjoy eating Ekpang Nkukwo. You see there is something about food that is made with a lot of love and attention to detail. As a foodie, the first time i learnt of Ekpang Nkukwo i was intent on trying it out. Growing up i couldn't stand any meal made with … Continue reading Ekpang Nkukwo



I made Ebiripo today and I shared pictures on my Facebook wall, I had even written that I was channeling my imaginary Ijebu side, little did I know I did indeed have Ijebu Remo roots, royal roots as a matter of fact, LOL! My dad saw my post and sent me this message on WhatsApp. … Continue reading Ebiripo 

Ikokore / Ifokore

Ikokore / Ifokore

An Ijebu pottage delicacy made with grated Wateryam. Typically it is eaten with Eba (cold eba preferrably) I've been craving Ikokore for weeks but I've been unable to cook because I've been convalescent. Now that I'm back on my feet, I cooked the first thing I've been craving. Ikokore Ijebu. I have a staff who … Continue reading Ikokore / Ifokore

Scrambled Eggs with vegetables

Scrambled Eggs with vegetables

If you are an 80's child and you grew up in Nigeria then it is very likely fried eggs  featured in your weekend breakfast, Omelette, stewed eggs, scrambled eggs... or you packed it as lunch to school. You either had it with bread or yam. Fried eggs is a staple for breakfast any day of … Continue reading Scrambled Eggs with vegetables

Fried Yam and Fish Rolls

Fried Yam and Fish Rolls

I just played a "guess the dish" game, on two facebook groups. The only clue was that it is not made with flour. I laughed and nearly peed my pants when two of my Facebook buds answered Fried Eba and Okra! Jeez I must have a reputation for far fetched food experiments.People this is just … Continue reading Fried Yam and Fish Rolls

Yam Pottage

Yam Pottage

Growing up i was not a huge yam pottage fan , most people call it yam porridge . My dad cooks the best yam pottage, he made me like it. Well maybe because the man would nearly finish all the ingredients in the pantry that was meant for four pots of soup into one pot … Continue reading Yam Pottage

Fresh Yam Fufu; Update on my experiments

Fresh Yam Fufu; Update on my experiments

Some nights ago, I wanted to know if I would get something like pounded yam by blending yam into a purée and stirring till it set on fire. The idea came after i uploaded a post on Plantain Fufu, I used a variety of yam that turns red when it is cut and exposed to … Continue reading Fresh Yam Fufu; Update on my experiments

Yam Fufu  (Fresh Yam Amala)

Yam Fufu (Fresh Yam Amala)

I'm excited about this, if you don't have Elubo (Yam Flour) and you are craving Amala, you can make some with yam.  Late last night,  - I'm a bit of an insomniac,- I was updating the blog with some posts that i had previously shared on my Facebook page, while I was putting up the … Continue reading Yam Fufu (Fresh Yam Amala)